Know Your Candidate!
Pravin Sharma
26, Yangthang Constituency
  1. BA (Sociology)
  2. BA (Tourism)
  3. Musician
  4. Social Activists [Geyzing College], Former SPYF CEC member
  5. Former Student Representative Council Member, Geyzing College
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Rupen Karki
28, Melli Constituency
  1. MSC Physics
  2. MA Peace and Conflict Studies and Management (Gold Medallist)
  3. SPYF Executive Member and General Secretary
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Kailash Pradhan
60, Upper Tadong Constituency
  1. B Arch (CEPT Ahmedabad)
  2. Private Architecture Practice (1991-2004)
  3. Worked in Bhutan on Uma Paro and JDW National Referral Hospital (2004-09)
  4. Partner @Studio Interweave (2012-present
  5. Candidate for GMC elections ’21
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